Yes to People. Yes to Housing. Yes In My Backyard.


Learn about the pro-housing movement and how you can make housing more affordable near you!

We want a more affordable and sustainable Orlando.

The mission of Orlando YIMBY is to improve the livability, affordability, and mobility of greater Orlando by advocating for housing density and abundance. We focus on policy advocacy through community education and collaboration with stakeholders and government officials.

We envision an economically and environmentally sustainable future with sufficient housing and infrastructure for new and existing neighbors.

We are a group of neighbors in greater Orlando who advocate for more housing.

What We Do:

  • Meet with elected officials to encourage them to take pro-housing stances.
  • Show up to speak in favor of more housing at local hearings.
  • Work to get pro-housing candidates elected and pro-housing laws passed.
  • Work to educate the general public on the benefits of housing abundance and sustainable growth.
  • Collaborate with other advocacy groups and stakeholders to achieve overlapping goals.

How to get involved:

  • We'd love to have you get involved and join the fight for housing! Attending an event or meeting is a great way to get involved. You can hear about upcoming events and what else we're up to by signing up for our email list or following us on social media.

Policy Priorities

  • LEGALIZE HOUSING: Allow for the construction of multi-unit housing throughout our urban core—near downtown Orlando and surrounding neighborhoods, SunRail stations, colleges and universities, and other employment clusters.
  • STOP THE SPRAWL: We must build up instead of out. Local governments should prioritize infill development and housing density to protect Central Florida's conservation areas and natural resources.
  • BUILD MORE AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Local, state, and federal levels of government must all commit significant funding to support the completion of housing units and developments that are accessible for lower income residents.
  • PRIORITIZE PEOPLE, NOT CARS: Convert space that is used to store cars (parking) into space that is used to store people (housing), and build a robust transit system that is compatible with higher-density cities and towns.

The Latest

Get Involved

Take action

Contact officials, sign petitions, and take other action to push for change.

Current actions

Attend an event

Come to one of our social events, educational events, or chapter meetings.

Upcoming events

Become a member

Support our work for housing abundance, and join our online community.


Our Solutions

Policies we support

Legalize Housing

Allow more housing in every neighborhood, especially historically affluent and exclusionary neighborhoods, removing barriers to both subsidized affordable and market rate housing

Fix Incentives

Reform structures that incentivize communities to say no to new homes, including tax systems and car centric transportation systems.

Streamline Permitting

Make housing permits fast and fair, removing arbitrary barriers to both subsidized affordable and market rate housing.

Increase Housing Stability

Enact policies that support current residents having stable housing choices amid growth.

Fund Affordable Housing

Increase funding for subsidized affordable housing through a wide variety of mechanisms, including direct subsidies.